TechDrawGui API/ro

(November 2018) This information may be incomplete and outdated. For the latest API, see the autogenerated API documentation.

These functions are part of the TechDraw Workbench and can be used in macros and from the Python console once the TechDrawGui module has been imported.

See the TechDraw API for more functions.


import FreeCAD
import TechDrawGui

p = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Page

f = "/home/localuser/myPdfDirectory/savePage.pdf"
TechDrawGui.exportPageAsPdf(p, f)

f = "/home/localuser/mySvgDirectory/savePage.svg"
TechDrawGui.exportPageAsSvg(p, f)
exportPageAsPdf(pageObject, filePath)

Description: save a copy of pageObject in PDF format to location filePath

Returns: none

exportPageAsSvg(pageObject, filePath)

Description: save a copy of pageObject in SVG format to location filePath

Returns: none

copyActiveViewToSvgFile(document, filePath, (options))

Description: save a copy of the active view for "document" to file "filePath"

Returns: double (estimated scale)


addQGIToView(view, QGraphicsItem)

Description: add a QGraphicsItem (created using PySide) to a View

Returns: none